Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Do I Have The Strength To Carry On?

It's been a stressful few days. How do you say to someone who should be there for you that in fact, they're not? It seems that if I want support I have to ask for it. Besides Craig, I only have support from one person. If it happened to her (god forbid it never does) I would also be there every step of the way. I don't have to ask for it and would never wait to give it if it was the other way around.

To be told that i'm over-sensitive and humourless hurt. Yes I am over-sensitive but not humourless. What I was trying to say was that the things which annoyed/annoy me have always done so and not because i'm over-sensitive.  The reason i've decided to say something is because of what i've said before in past blogs. Life is about Craig and I now and I want people to stop criticising , judging and telling me what I can, can't and should /shouldn't be doing. I should be over it. NO I shouldn't. Being back at work will help. MAYBE but I can't go back until I feel ready to. I had given unofficial notice to return and was actually forcing myself to return at the start of March. I don't feel ready but money unfortunately is dictating that I go back asap. 

I found out yesterday that my surgeon is going on holiday this Friday for 2 weeks. Craig phoned the hospital angry that i'd still not been given a date for my reversal after my op was cancelled last week and told that he will be away. 

The surgeon rang me last night to apologise for me not having had the op. Still no date though only that he will try to get me in asap. It won't be this week I don't think - apparently he wants to be around for my aftercare in the hospital which is around 7 days and then he will need to see me around 2 weeks after for follow up. I'd got myself ready for the op mentally and then thinking it would be soon after and now I have no idea. Will it be in 2 1/2 weeks meaning 4 weeks late? 

The only blessing is that I won't be in hospital on my birthday. It means I get to go to the SANDS pub quiz on Sunday, my birthday is Monday and then the next support meeting is on Tuesday.

I was feeling fine this morning. I popped out to the post office and on the walk back was thinking about everything. I decided to get the memory boxes out and take pictures of everything in there.

The above is the casts that the hospital did of Lukas' hand and feet (they only did one hand)

These are Lola's.

They are so small. I haven't looked through the memory boxes for some time now. I'd forgotten just how small the casts are but also how beautiful they are.

These tiny little hearts were given to us by SANDS Bristol. To be honest this is really the only thing they gave us apart from the leaflets. Such a difference to Swindon. No memory boxes, teddies or anything like that. Still, these hearts are lovely and wrapped around them are Lola and Lukas' hospital wristbands.

These little bears came in our memory box from Swindon SANDS.

These two hats are the ones that were given to Lola and Lukas immediately after birth and we decided to keep them in our memory box rather than in their coffin with them.

As you can see the table is full of photos and memories which I keep in a special box.

Lola and Lukas Always Loved Never Forgotten xxxxxxxxxx

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