Monday, 5 December 2011

August 13th - 1 Day Old

I had so many messages on Facebook and texts from friends and family I couldn't keep up with them.

Howard left late morning to get showered and changed and would be back later on with my Aunt and Uncle from Cardiff. Ash and Jodi are also visiting today and I send them a text to let them know that Lukas will be in the room with me as i'm not sure how Ash would feel about it.

Nick gives me an update from Bristol as Craig is spending most of his time with Lola and he sends me a picture and tells me that he will be bringing Craig to see me later on in the day. Lola is a little fighter!

The Nurses decide they want me to try and get up and into the chair again. As I stand up my uterus contracts and i'm in agony. It only lasts a second or two but it wasn't expected. I manage to get to the chair but don't stay there long as i'm uncomfortable.

Caroline and Nick arrive with Craig and they leave us to it. Craig is trying to tell me something but he can't find the words. Lola is too young and too small and in the unlikely event that she survives, the chances are that she will be severely disabled. The Doctor from St. Michaels had sent Craig to tell me this and for us to make a decision about her life. I was still trying to be positive and did not want to be hearing from this when my daughter is in another hospital 30 miles away and it was clear that this was something Craig didn't want to think about but he has to get back to be with our daughter and the conversation was left there. We'd both heard stories about babies this young surviving and being healthy.

Howard arrives with my Aunt and Uncle. Aunty Gill holds Lukas and shortly after, Ash and Jodi arrive. Jodi holds Lukas  knowing that life for him should have been so different.

Everyone leaves for the afternoon and my brother returns again with David later on in the evening. He stays the night in the room again but has to leave at 11pm to collect my Mum from Gatwick. David drops Howard back off at the hospital at 2am and then takes my Mum back to theirs until the morning.

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