Wednesday, 30 November 2011

April 2011

It was April and my period was due on Saturday 9th April. I know this because my cycle is textbook. 28 days long.

It was the week running up to this date and I had very tender breasts. After taking time noticing my body patterns the last 2 months, i'd come to realise this was normal for me. I also knew it was a sign of pregnancy so I was being positive. I'd still not touched the pregnancy tests - I was strong!  Actually they were more tender than normal????

I'd noticed mid week that I was very very tired. I went to bed at 7pm. I like early nights but 7pm was a little too early, I just couldn't keep my eyes open. James from Trinidad was visiting my brother who lives 15 minutes walk from ours and when he text asking if we wanted to pop round for a cuppa to see James, I really wanted to go. I just couldn't find the energy to get dressed. David a while later text asking if I was pregnant. Funny really but I couldn't even get the energy to reply.

Friday 8th April - I wasn't feeling so tired anymore. Maybe it was just a tough week at work. I got home and I couldn't wait anymore. I deliberately hadn't bought any pregnancy tests. They were expensive! I had one clear blue digital test and a cheap stick left in the cabinet. I knew that I should be waiting until the morning. Not only because I said I would, but I knew that morning is the best time to test. I carried on regardless using the cheap stick.

Immediately a line appeared. It wasn't as dark as it should be but it was there. I took this picture with my mobile phone and straight away sent it to Jodi. I went into the bedroom and showed Craig and said that I thought I was pregnant but not 100% sure. You can't always trust these cheap brands can you?

Howard and David were at a Kylie concert and we were looking after the boys (their precious Chihuahuas). Walking to their house, we had smiles of joy and realisation - if I was pregnant, our lives were about to change forever. Jodi hadn't replied yet and I was desperate for her opinion. Eventually I received a message. Jodi had indeed received the picture and was desperate to call me only she had Erica round and couldn't talk! Finally around 9pm Jodi called me with complete excitement. She indeed thought the test was showing positive - the line was actually quite dark for this many days past ovulation and of course i'd taken the test in the evening. I told Jodi that I wouldn't take the digital until the next morning - we were at my brothers and it would be a waste taking it in the evening again.

Saturday 9th April - I woke up at 6am as usual and suddenly remembered. Craig still sleeping I took my laptop to the bathroom and used the digital stick. Within seconds it came up and said "Pregnant". It was still flashing so I set it aside for a couple of minutes and when I looked at it again, it said 2-3 weeks! I should have said 1-2. I was a little confused but also had remembered that people had said that the dates on them weren't that accurate.

I sent the picture to Jodi straight away. Either she had left her phone on and I woke her up or she was already up with Charlie. The excitement - Craig was still sleeping and instead of waking him, I decided to let him sleep in and would tell him later.

Jodi joked and said that maybe the line was dark and the digi was picking up higher hormone levels because I was having two babies not one! We did laugh about that.

Sunday 10th April - Howard came with Craig and I to collect Craig's Mum Caroline. We were going to Chipping Sodbury to watch the fabulous Anne-Marie perform as Cher and Tina Turner. David was meeting us half way with some other friends.

Arriving at Caroline's she offered champagne to get us going for the night. I said that as I was driving and that champagne goes straight to my head, that I wouldn't have any. Craig and I looked at each other. We had already decided that we would have to tell Craig's family soon anyway. We were going to Mexico on 1st May - all inclusive. We would have to say something as not drinking on an all inclusive would just be strange. Well for me it would be anyway. It was only a few weeks away and for some reason we decided that this was the moment. Craig's Dad was away but we couldn't wait. We had to tell David when we got to the gig as he's like another brother to me. We had decided that we had to tell my parents too and would call them in the week. We had an amazing night. Anne-Marie was brilliant again!

April passed quite quickly. I had an appointment with my GP to get the ball rolling, a scan date would be in the post and an appointment with the Midwife.

I can see why women worry so much in the first few weeks. Period type cramps? No, just the uterus stretching and enlarging apparently, worrying nonetheless.

I didn't appear to have any morning sickness which usually would have arrived by now and was feeling great!

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